Fat Girl Book Club

The Body Is Not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor with J. Nicole Morgan

Episode Summary

This is an important book. It taught me a lot about how to love myself - not in a superficial way, but in a deep meaningful way. This conversation with J. Nicole Morgan really digs into some of the major concepts of the book and will hopefully help you to see why it is so important that we move beyond body positivity and into radical self-love. Some of the things we talk about include: -Nicole's fat acceptance journey -Nicole's first experiences with body shame and how she reframes them now -How our thoughts are not who we are -Intersectionality -Radical self-love -How we are all the victim and victimizer of diet culture -The 3 Peaces -In our modern culture what body terrorism means -The tools that resonated with Nicole and I -Whether or not we can pull apart buying things because they make us feel good about ourselves with buying things because we are trying to hide our bodies -Body liberation

Episode Notes

This is an important book. It taught me a lot about how to love myself - not in a superficial way, but in a deep meaningful way. This conversation with J. Nicole Morgan really digs into some of the major concepts of the book and will hopefully help you to see why it is so important that we move beyond body positivity and into radical self-love. Some of the things we talk about include:

-Nicole's fat acceptance journey
-Nicole's first experiences with body shame and how she reframes them now
-How our thoughts are not who we are
-Radical self-love
-How we are all the victim and victimizer of diet culture
-The 3 Peaces
-In our modern culture what body terrorism means
-The tools that resonated with Nicole and I
-Whether or not we can pull apart buying things because they make us feel good about ourselves with buying things because we are trying to hide our bodies
-Body liberation

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